When will I receive my order?
We generally ship distant orders (west coast) form our location on Mondays, this includes west, southwest and many of the rocky mountain states. Then we progressively ship to closer in states Tuesday through Friday. The shipping dates can be altered if you have a special date in mind such as birthdays, anniversaries, house warming, etc. If a special arrival date is needed please indicate this in the comments area of the ordering process. If extremely urgent or time sensitive, please order by phone: 1 (630) 543-6855
Do you send plants in bud or flower?
We do ship plants in bud, but they must be ordered from the “Orchids in Bud Now” or the “orchid Gift Guide” sections. If ordered anywhere else on our website, they will not be in bud. Plants cannot be shipped with open flowers. We can deliver flowering plants and combination baskets of flowering plants locally within a 50 mile radius from our greenhouse.
Can I pay by check?
Yes, the best way to do this is to print out (or hand write) your order without submitting it and send by regular mail with your check.
Can I change my order after being submitted?
Yes, we recommend that you phone the change in as opposed to emailing. We often receive emails too late to make the change for you.
Are you able to ship during winter months?
We can usually ship with no cold weather delays from April 1 to December 1. During the months of December through March shipping is off and on depending on the weather conditions here and the ship to locations. During this time we post areas we are able to ship to on our website.
Can you ship overseas or to Canada?
Due to high costs and permit issues we no longer ship to Canada or Overseas.
Can you ship to Hawaii?
Yes, but you will have to email us a copy of your import permit. Plus there is a $50 charge for a Phytosanitary Certificate. We also need the address of which quarantine office the order has to ship through in Hawaii.
Do you ship to Puerto Rico?
Yes, just submit your internet order. We will then email you back with the adjusted (probably much higher) Priority Air Mail shipping charges. Ordering large plants 6”-10” pot sizes will result in cost prohibitive shipping charges. We suggest sending larger plants bare rooter (non budded plants) or ordering plants in 5” pots or smaller.